You Require Less EV Range Than You Assume: Research 2024

By Dinesh Bajaj

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Hello friends, my name is Dinesh or I will tell you about EV car. Friends, EV cars are very popular these days or is there any saving in EV car? Yes, no, put petrol in it, no, there is no problem of gas or we can get better Kashi range too. caste yes

For years, people have worried about Require Less EV Range out of power in the U.S. It’s a common fear: imagine being stuck in the middle of nowhere with only 5% battery and nowhere to charge. It’s a scary situation no one wants to experience, right? But a recent study found that this almost never happens.

After looking at data from 18,000 EVs across all 50 U.S. states, a company called Recurrent discovered something we kind of knew but didn’t pay much attention to: most Americans don’t drive very far each day compared to how much EVs can actually go, thanks to better batteries and engines.

1Concerns about EVs running out of power in the U.S.
2Recent study shows this scenario is rare due to limited daily driving distances.
3Most Americans drive between 20-45 miles per day, utilizing only 8-16% of EV range.
4Majority of EVs in U.S. offer around 250 miles range, some exceeding 300 miles.
5Top 10 cheapest EVs in U.S. can go over 200 miles on EPA test.
62023 Chevrolet Bolt EV offers 259 miles range despite production end.
7Larger states like Alaska, Texas, and California have below-average daily driving distances.
8Even with EV adoption, average daily driving distance in U.S. unlikely to increase significantly.


The study found that EV drivers usually drive between 20 and 45 miles each day in different states. This uses only a small part of their car’s totaln Require Less EV Range, about 8 to 16%. Most EVs in the U.S. can go around 250 miles on a full charge, with some able to go over 300 miles. This means most EV owners don’t use much of their car’s full range daily, so they can go on longer trips without needing to charge often.

Of the top 10 cheapest EVs in the U.S. right now, most can go over 200 miles on the EPA test. The 2023 Chevrolet Bolt Require Less EV Range one of the most affordable EVs in the U.S., can travel up to 259 miles according to the EPA. Despite production ending, there are still many available to buy from Chevy.

Average driving distance in the U.S. in miles Require Less EV Range

The three biggest states in the U.S. – Alaska, Texas, and California – have lower-than-average daily driving distances. EV owners in these areas often live in cities where they can use other vehicles, like gas or hybrid ones, for longer trips.

Similarly, places like Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Washington D.C. also have shorter daily driving distances for Require Less EV Range owners. Even as more people start using EVs as their main cars, it’s unlikely that the average daily driving distance will go up much.

Data from the U.S. Department of Transportation shows that the average American drives about 37 miles per day. But driving habits vary a lot depending on where you live. For example, people in Wyoming and the Dakotas might drive much more than those in New York or Washington D.C.

Even though longer-Require Less EV Range EVs are important, convincing people they need less range than they think can be hard. That’s why car companies are making EVs with 600-mile batteries, but buyers should think carefully about what they really need.

How much do you drive every day? Do you think EVs have enough range for your daily trips? Share your thoughts below. CLICK HERE

Friends, you must have got complete information in the article. If you have any more questions, you can ask in the comments.

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Dinesh Bajaj

My name is Dinesh and I have been blogging on for 2 years. I write blog about electronics car here. I have also worked in garage for 6 months. This blog of mine is my world, where I share with you the advantages and disadvantages of car blog.

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